Great Blogs with Great Ideas
This morning I was overwhelmed with thankfulness for all of the intelligent and capable bloggers out there who are willing to share their library ideas with me. Some days I come to work all excited about what I am going to teach, and then some days, it seems as though I have been teaching the same thing for about four hundred years. Now I can avoid that feeling by simply visiting some of my favorite blogs where I can find any number of inspiring ideas for teaching about books. You can find most of my favorites listed on the side bar of my blog, but today I found a couple of great ideas that I will be using in November.100 Scope Notes by Travis Jonker

November is Picture Book Month! What an excellent reason to share wonderful literature with every grade level. He includes a video on his blog to show to students about picture books.
Watch. Connect. Read. by Mr. Schu

Mr. Schu creates a monthly activity calendar for librarians through the magazine Library Sparks, but he makes it available to everyone. He just released his November calendar with ideas for books to read, holidays to celebrate, and websites to visit.
Librarian Arika by Arika Dickens

The OTTER Award, or Junior Sasquatch, is a wonderful new idea, and I hope it catches on. Arika shares on her blog the criteria for this award that we are hoping to bring to a library near you!